
SAC Ranked a Top College in the Midwest

A new report from US News and World ranks St. Augustine College as one of the top midwest colleges in the nation. Coming in at number 45, St. Augustine College was part of a large assessment of 1,466 U.S. bachelor’s degree-granting institutions. Each one of these…

SAC Awarded Humanities Grant

St. Augustine College received a $99,714 grant on January 2020. The grant was awarded by the NATIONAL ENDOWMENT FOR THE HUMANITIES for the purpose of Strengthening Career Readiness for Chicago Early Childhood Educators through the Humanities. “This grant it brings us long-awaited and much needed support to develop innovative curriculum…

LSWO Awards Social Work Program

Two years ago St. Augustine College was recognized by Hispanic Excelencia as the #1 Bachelor’s program in the nation. This year the Latino Social Work Organization (LSWO), a national organization serving Latino social workers across the USA, presented an award and recognition to St. Augustine College outstanding accomplishments in Social…